Scribble at 2023-05-12 00:13:44 Last modified: unmodified

The popularity of straight razors increased in the early 21st century due to a number of factors, including the movie Skyfall. However, the popularity of straight razors has since decreased. There are a few reasons for this. (1) Safety razors and disposable razors are more convenient. Safety razors and disposable razors are much easier to use than straight razors. They are also more affordable and require less maintenance. (2) Straight razors are seen as more dangerous. Straight razors are sharp and can easily cause cuts. This makes them a more dangerous option for some people. (3) Straight razors require more skill to use. Straight razors require more skill to use than safety razors and disposable razors. This can be a deterrent for some people who are not comfortable using a sharp object.

Despite the decrease in popularity, there are still many people who prefer to use straight razors. They argue that straight razors provide a closer shave and are more comfortable to use than other types of razors. They also appreciate the traditional shaving experience that straight razors offer.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use a straight razor is a personal one. There are pros and cons to both straight razors and other types of razors. It is up to the individual to decide which type of razor is best for them.

Google Bard に、"Straight razors got a popularity in the 21st century due to a movie of 007, "Skyfall." But now its popularity is lost. Why?" と質問してみた。色々と質問を変えてみたのだが、どうも Bard は同じような答えばかり返してくる。まぁ、元になる検索結果が同じページばかりなら、それもそのはずだ。そして、ここ10年くらい続いていた traditional wet shaving のブームが終息した理由については、安全剃刀の方が使いやすいだの、SR は危険だの、あるいは SR は扱い方が難しいだの、結局は同じようなことしか言わない。僕は、やはり ChatGPT にしろ Bard にしろ、調べ物はそこそこできるかもしれないが、そこから「何を言うか」という点で全く人の知能には比較できないくらいレベルが低いと思う。作文能力は、確かに向上しているのが分かる。昨今の AI が生成した文章が「ワレ、ワレ、ハ、ロボット、ダ」みたいなものでないのは、上記の英語を読めない人でもお分かりだと思う。でも、その内容は「ワレ、ワレ、ハ、コレ、ヲ、ミツケタ」と言ってるくらい愚かで未熟である。

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