Scribble at 2023-03-17 09:45:01 Last modified: 2023-03-17 11:12:25


This handbook provides a comprehensive treatment of Vision Zero, an innovative policy on public road safety developed in Sweden. Covering all the major topics of the subject, the book starts out with a thorough examination of the philosophy, ideas and principles behind Vision Zero. It looks at conditions for the effectiveness of the policy, principles of safety and responsibility as well as critique on the policy. Next, the handbook focuses on how the Vision Zero ideas have been received and implemented in various legislations and countries worldwide. It takes into account the way Vision Zero is looked at in the context of international organizations such as the WHO, the UN, and the OECD. This allows for a comparison of systems, models and effects. The third part of the handbook discusses the management and leadership aspects, including ISO standards, equity issues, other goals for traffic and transportation, and opportunities for the car industry. Part four delves into tools, technologies and organizational measures that contribute to the implementation of Vision Zero in road traffic. Examples of specific elements discussed are urban and rural road designs, human factor designs, and avoiding drunk and distracted driving. The final part of the handbook offers perspectives on the transfer of Vision Zero policy to other areas, ranging from air traffic to suicide prevention and nuclear energy.

The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy

2020年に公開された、オープン・アクセスのアンソロジーだ。スウェーデンで考案された交通政策の考え方であり、東北の大震災での過剰反応に別の極論で反応した、日本の自称「リアリスト」やリバタリアンからはたいへんに評判が悪い、いわゆる「ゼロ・リスク」の発想を元にしている。もちろん、イージーな社会主義者でもあるまいし、現代の研究者が政策一つでリスクをゼロにできるなどとは考えていない。とは言え、NGO などの参加者や支持者によくある、「理想を追求する姿勢に文句を言うとは何事か」的な道徳的な恫喝を伴う自己欺瞞や偽善者のスタンスに堕す危険性や、そういう手合いに理屈が悪用される心配はあろう。


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