Scribble at 2022-03-14 12:57:08 Last modified: unmodified

Free College Education is Worse Than Useless


"Some advocates have called to forgive student loans because student loans contribute to racial and socioeconomic wealth gaps. The usual measures of financial wealth, however, is a misleading indicator of the economic status of student loan borrowers. Medical school graduates typically owe six-figure student loans but that doesn’t mean they are poorer than high-school graduates who did not go to college. Wealth, properly measured, should include the value of educational investments students borrowed to make. Measured appropriately, student debt is concentrated among high-wealth households and loan forgiveness is regressive whether measured by income, educational attainment, or wealth. Across-the- board forgiveness is therefore a costly and ineffective way to reduce economic gaps by race or socioeconomic status. Only targeted policies can address the inequities caused by federal student lending programs."

あと、教育がシグナリングにすぎないとしても、アメリカなら卒業したという資格には一定の実質が伴っているわけだが、日本の大学を卒業したというだけの小僧なんて、その大多数は実質が伴っていないのだから、実はシグナルの役にすら立たない。東大出身者の大半が他の大学の出身者と比べて、別に驚異的な実績を上げているわけでもなんでもないのを見れば明らかだし、外国と比べたら更にはっきりするだろう。よって、MOOC などで大学卒業の資格を手軽にばらまいたところで、高等教育の価値が下がるだけだし、シグナリングの役にすら立っていない大学など、更に日本では無意味となる。

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