Scribble at 2022-04-17 11:16:57 Last modified: 2022-04-18 11:19:01

The first apparent downside from our perspective is the transparency of the costs. Although several of the largest IaaS companies have dedicated a lot of resources to providing their customers with pricing simulators and spending predictions, we found that those are much more reliable if you use their public product-based APIs that serve as a layer between the engineer and the “raw” compute infrastructure. In other words, you get much better transparency if you vendor-lock your company to the IaaS provider (or simply have a less cost-optimized platform). Suppose you don’t want to vendor-lock your software to any cloud company and just use the bare-bones infrastructure so that you could migrate with ease to a different cloud provider in the future; well, good luck. If you’re going to get a glimpse of a complex pricing model, take a look at this guide that discusses only one provider's data transfer pricing model!

Why Enzymit Decided to Build its Own On-Prem HPC Infrastructure

ビジネス・メソッドによってコストや内訳は大きく変わるはずだが、一般論として言わせてもらえば、クラウドの IaaS を導入して有利なのは人材や機材に大きな初期投資がかけられないスタート・アップだけなのだ。つまり、クラウド・サービスが儲かるのは、こういうスタート・アップが次から次へと〈起業〉するからではなく、皮肉ながらも新規顧客としてやってくるために次から次へと〈倒産〉してくれるからなのだ。

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