Scribble at 2023-04-11 08:15:17 Last modified: unmodified

Hello, dear readers! Today I want to share with you my thoughts on a file format that you may have encountered but never paid much attention to: the deja-vu (.djvu) format. This format was created for storing scanned documents, but it has some features that make it different from other popular formats like PDF or EPUB. Let me tell you why I think this format deserves more recognition and use.

First of all, the deja-vu format is very efficient in compressing images and text. It can reduce the file size of a scanned document by up to 10 times compared to PDF, without losing much quality. This means that you can store more documents on your device or cloud storage, and also save bandwidth and time when downloading or uploading them.

Secondly, the deja-vu format is very flexible and adaptable. It can handle documents with complex layouts, multiple languages, annotations, hyperlinks, and even animations. It can also support different levels of resolution and zooming, so you can view the document in the best way possible on your screen. You can also convert the document to other formats like PDF or EPUB if you need to.

Thirdly, the deja-vu format is open and free. It is not controlled by any company or organization, and anyone can use it without paying any fees or royalties. There are many free and open source software tools that can create, edit, view, and convert deja-vu files. You can also find many online libraries and repositories that offer free access to thousands of books and documents in this format.

So, as you can see, the deja-vu format has many advantages over other formats for scanned documents. It is not just a disturbing factor of document readers, but a valuable alternative that can enhance your reading experience. Why should we use just for the specific reader of each file format? I don't want a tyranny of software market, but the winner (PDF) may take all. I think we should give more attention and support to the deja-vu format, and enjoy its benefits. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

これ、ChatGPT(Microsoft Edge のサイド・バー)に入力したのは、こういう文章なんだよね。"I know a deja-vu (.djvu) file format was made for a scanned document, but it seems not optimised for the market to use digital documents. It's just a disturbing factor of document readers. Why should we use just for the specific reader of each file format? I don't want a tyranny of software market, but the winner (PDF) may take all."

僕の表現が未熟だからかもしれないが、僕はデジャ・ビューというファイル・フォーマットに消えてなくなってもらいたいと思って書いたのだ。スキャンした文書に最適化されているのかどうかは本当のところ知らんけどこれはただの攪乱要因にしかなっていない。オンラインでも、.djvu 形式でしか公開されていないドキュメントなんかがあって、こんなもんのためにわざわざ専用のドキュメント・リーダーを導入しなくてはいけない。しかも、Daisy とかいう障害者用のフォーマットに対応したソフトウェアにも言えることだが、こういうマイナーなファイル形式のリーダーの大半は福祉団体のアマチュアが開発したような UI デザインのもので、実は身体障碍者らにとっても使い難くて「ダサい」のではあるまいかとすら思える、非常に質の悪いソフトウェアが多すぎる。

もちろん、.djvu 形式しかなければ、それをダウンロードしてから PDF に変換するのが既定の手順となっている。正直なところ、ePub ですらウザいので、これも PDF にしている。もうオープンな規格になったのだから、PDF で何がいけないのかと思う。

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