Scribble at 2018-02-26 21:38:24 Last modified: 2022-09-24 18:29:21

This monograph aims at providing an introduction to key concepts, algorithms, and theoretical frameworks in machine learning, including supervised and unsupervised learning, statistical learning theory, probabilistic graphical models and approximate inference. The intended readership consists of electrical engineers with a background in probability and linear algebra. The treatment builds on first principles, and organizes the main ideas according to clearly defined categories, such as discriminative and generative models, frequentist and Bayesian approaches, exact and approximate inference, directed and undirected models, and convex and non-convex optimization. The mathematical framework uses information-theoretic measures as a unifying tool. The text offers simple and reproducible numerical examples providing insights into key motivations and conclusions. Rather than providing exhaustive details on the existing myriad solutions in each specific category, for which the reader is referred to textbooks and papers, this monograph is meant as an entry point for an engineer into the literature on machine learning.

A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers

やや "brief" すぎる嫌いがある。100ページちょっとで機械学習を概観しようというのだから当然だが、それにしてもプレプリント・サーバにかような分量のテキストがどんどん掲載されるのは、ありがたいと同時に、これではやはり敵わないという気がする。機械学習に限らず、これから学術研究者を志す中高生は、一部の人文系学科を除けば数学と英語は必須と言える。これは既に良し悪しの問題ではなく、それが最も合理的で効率がいいのだ。日本語で通俗書を出版する余技など、死ぬ前の数年に葬式代を稼ぐためにでもやればいいのであって、やはり学術研究者は業績(教科書を書いたり優秀な学生を育てるのでもいい)を残してナンボである。

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