Scribble at 2023-12-14 21:54:58 Last modified: 2023-12-14 22:00:02


How does brain activity give rise to sleep, dreams, learning, memory, and language? Do drugs like cocaine and heroin tap into the same neurochemical systems that evolved for life's natural rewards? What are the powerful new tools of molecular biology that are revolutionizing neuroscience? This undergraduate textbook explores the relation between brain, mind, and behavior. It clears away the extraneous detail that so often impedes learning, and describes critical concepts step by step, in straightforward language. Rich illustrations and thought-provoking review questions further illuminate the relations between biological, behavioral, and mental phenomena. With writing that is focused and engaging, even the more challenging topics of neurotransmission and neuroplasticity become enjoyable to learn. While this textbook filters out non-critical details, it includes all key information, allowing readers to remain focused and enjoy the feeling of mastery that comes from a grounded understanding of a topic, from its fundamentals to its implications.

Principles of Behavioral Neuroscience (Horvitz and Jacobs, Cambridge University Press, 2023)



ただ、日本の高校生が卒業時に期待されている英検2級の力があれば、慣れたら特に難しいことではないと思う。時間さえあれば、以前も PHP8 の本を2時間くらいで読了した話をご紹介したように、俺みたいな還暦前のジジイができるくらいなんだから。

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