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What was that all about?? Competiton in an open source, free shell!?! How would that help out the LS community any? I mean, come on, all competition would do is make each dev team put out builds quicker, hence buggier. It would also promote a new war at a time when the community has finally settled down again. Now, don't get me wrong here, I'm all for new ideas and even someone taking LiteStep in a different direction. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be promoting DarkStep like I do. But this wasn't the case here. LiteStep.org wanted to have its own LiteStep dev team and compete with the LiteStep.net dev team. This is, imho, NOT in the spirit of the shell or the open source community. If you want to make your own distro fine, but not your own version of the shell to compete with an already established team. On another note, I have posted this on my LSWeekly site and I'm going to put it here also. I have been mulling this idea over for quite sometime and would like to get a reaction from the LS community before i put it into practice. I have an extensive collection of LS mods, builds, ect. I am considering putting together and selling a LiteStep Archive CD. This would include as many modules and builds as I can find. This does include as much of the source and every available build of the module. Price I'm coming up with after hacking away at my cost is $7 per cd for people within the LS community and $10 per cd to auction off on like e-bay. What are your thoughts on this? E-mail me with questions, rants, raves, etc. - demigod --------------------------- TOP NEWS STORIES --------------------------- - LiteStep.org's own dev team? (3:53pm 23.02) It appears that litestep.org has its own development team to work on the core of litestep. A discussion has been happening on the comments of a preview SS of an up and coming 0.25 release from ls.com on ls.net. %%UPDATE%% (7:36pm 24.02) Litestep.org has been given over to c0mrade, the web admin of litestep.net. Keep and eye out for ls.org to become a help related site. url - http://www.litestep.net (source: http://www.litestep.net) +---------------+ - Headius gives the low down on Desktop2 (1:23pm 20.02) "I wanted to update the world on exactly what Desktop2.dll is and what the plans are for Desktop.dll. Desktop2: "The new module you all see, desktop2.dll, is simply the old desktop without any tray or taskbar. The code for the old tray and taskbar has become unmanageable, and has reached the point where it needs to be dumped and completely rewritten. This new module will provide you with a desktop window (for right-click popups, etc) for the time being. Desktop Plans: "The old taskbar and tray have finally become unusable. The code is more spaghetti than sauce at this point, and the functionality contained in it could be rewritten in half as much code. As it stands, we will not be releasing desktop.dll in the next revision. We recommend you look into 3rd-party modules for tray and taskbar replacements. "We are planning to build a module desktop bar in the future, but those plans are on hold currently, waiting for the internal workings of litestep to solidify. In addition, almost all of the UI modules you currently see and use will be rewritten or replaced one by one. We are in the process of pulling the actual brains of the current modules out and creating abstract services from them, for our own and other modules to use in the future. The Great Bug List: "We are currently looking at the great bug list and starting the process of working through them. Many of them are the result of new code, and are to be expected this early in the rewrite. Others are valid bugs that were just ignored before. We will try to repair as many as possible (without causing too many more). "As always, thank you for your support and faith. We are working hard for you. "- Charles Nutter (Headius)" e-mail - headius@headius.com (source: LS Mailing List ~ Desktop2 - What is it?!) +---------------+ - LSFAQ back up and running. (140:17am 23.02) "The much sought-after LiteStep FAQ is back up, it has been split up into a few parts for easier help. Necro sends word that he will be setting up a windows 2000 / windows NT section. E-mail him with any section suggestions you have, but he asks that you please do not ask him questions, as he is busy." url - http://floach.pimpin.net/lsfaq e-mail - necro@eden.rutgers.edu (source: http://www.litestep.net) +---------------+ - Dev Team Requests Best Documented Step.rc (10:18am 23.02) "The time has come to document exactly what each and every setting in Litestep does. We kindly request that you all send us your best commented step.rc so that we might form a more complete listing of Litestep settings. "The old format will go away in the next few months, but we want to migrate as many of the old settings as possible to the new format in an appropriate way. The best way for us to do that is to have a complete list of the settings as they exist today. "You, the Litestep community, are the best documentation resource we have. Help out your local DevTeam and send in your settings documentation today!" url - http://lsdev.litestep.net e-mail - headius@headius.com (source: http://lsdev.litestep.net) --------------------------- MODULES --------------------------- - Tasks.dll .84 ~ jugg (1:30pm 20.02) ! Added minimal Drag&Drop support. ! Added "TasksNoTransparency" ! Added "TasksMButton2" and "TasksMButton3" ! Added "TasksDockWindow" - Removed "TasksAlwaysOnTop". - Removed "TasksInjTray" (meaningless to you). - Removed "TasksTestTransFix" ! Fixed certain items from not showing in the TaskList. All should be well now. ! Fixed system popup menu from disappearing. ! Fixed Transparency issues for tiles and icons ! Fixed misc code and optimized settings. ! Fixed default settings/documentation issues. url - http://jugg.logicpd.com/ e-mail - jugg@earthling.net (source: http://www.chunkymunky.com/modulo) +---------------+ - GeekAmp 1.4 ~ geekmaster (9:07am 24.02) - You can now use the WinampStartNormal command in the step.rc to make Winamp launch normally, instead of minimized (still the default) (Very requested feature) - Fixed !Amp_Show so that it actually can be used to toggle Winamp better. Now it will bring the winamp window to the top, and if it is on top, it will minimize it. Before there was no way to bring the window to the top if it was already on the screen. - !AMP_STARTPLUGIN - Starts the plugin, or stops it. (Very requested feature) - !AMP_PLUGINSETUP - Launches the plugin config dialog - !AMP_VISSETUP - Doesn't work for me, might for you - !AMP_EDITID3 - Pops up the dialog so you can add / view the ID3 tags url - http://www.mindjunction.com e-mail - lheddings@geocities.com (source: http://www.mindjunction.com) +---------------+ - mzscript 0.5 ~ maze (9:17am 24.02) "There's a new script module from maze on the block called mzscript.dll. This basically does the same as script.dll, and alterscript.dll." url - http://www.acc.umu.se/~macce e-mail - macce@acc.umu.se (source: http://www.litestep.net) +---------------+ - LSLnkMenu 1.5 ~ Carluchi (9:15am 25.02) - Added !LsLnkExecute - Added !LsLnkRefresh - Added !LsLnkHide - Added !LsLnkShow - Added !LsLnkToggle - Added !LsLnkMove - Added Sound support - Added ability to startup hidden - Added ability to turn ToolTips off - Added ability to run !Bang commands from an Exploder shortcut - Added LsLnkMenuControlFile entry for the step.rc file - .Lnk's now display alphabetically - Fixed some focus problems - Fixed problem when not using AlwaysOnTop and the buttons disappearing url - http://www.chunkymunky.com/modulo e-mail - carluchi@stratos.net (source: http://www.chunkymunky.com/modulo) --------------------------- THEMES --------------------------- - K-Gnome ~ KanedA (10:37am 23.02) Not much in his post about it, but I personally like this theme. Apparently its an update to this theme that's available now. "update, fixed an error in the step.rc and added the new popups, enjoy!" url - http://www.litestep.net ss - http://www.litestep.net/themes/ss/kgnome5.jpg e-mail - kaneda@dial.pipex.com (source: http://www.litestep.net) --------------------------- WEB SITES --------------------------- - Litestep.org is alive! (10:00am 22.02) Amazing! I was checking out my usual nest of sites and jumped over to ls.org and lo and behold it has content!! It appears as if Godzillamk and KSR have taken over ls.org. The only prob I see here is that it seems to be a bit of a rip of mrG's LiteStep2 idea, a site based around the user. But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. %%UPDATE%% (7:36pm 24.02) Litestep.org has been given over to c0mrade, the web admin of litestep.net. Keep and eye out for ls.org to become a help related site. (note: same update as in the TOP STORIES section) url - http://www.litestep.org (source: http://www.litestep.org) --------------------------- PROGRAMS --------------------------- - WinPanel t12 ~ MrJukes (2:09pm 24.02) MrJukes is at it again. He has completely recoded the old WinPanel that he had and its 10x better than before. It now includes tasks, a vwm, program launcher, digital and analog clock, and the beginnings of a window skinner. It is a killer addon for use in LiteStep like Gnome is for *nix WM's. url - http://expert.cc.purdue.edu/~mrjukes/winpanel e-mail - mrjukes@purdue.edu (source: MrJukes via IRC ~ #winpanel) .................................... ---- Tips ---- - Got this one in the mail recently: So, we all miss the dial-up systray icons when using LiteStep under Windows 2000, right? Well, I have found a work-around that is quite nice: First, rename your dial-up connection "Dial-Up". Then enter the following lines into your step.rc hotkey config: ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;Dial-Up Networking hotkeys: connect, disconnect and status ;---------------------------------------------------------- *Hotkey Win F5 rasphone.exe -d "Dial-Up" *Hotkey Win F6 rasphone.exe -h "Dial-Up" *Hotkey Win F7 rasphone.exe -s ;---------------------------------------------------------- [you can change the hotkeys as you wish, of course! :-) ] I hope this will make your Win2k/LS experience even better! ...from the creator of the Coastal R2 series of themes and skins, qwilk ( qwilk@telia.com ) http://w1.317.telia.com/~u31710512/qwilk/ .................................... ----- Retro ----- - I need some donations of interesting older or previously unreleased modules or LiteStep specific programs. I have a nice set of mods but none that are interesting enough to put in here. Please e-mail me with what you have. .................................... ------------- Latest Builds ------------- - Official - b24.6 build 240200 Modification, bugfixes [winlist, msgmgr, core, hookmgr / Headius / 2-24-2000] o Modified the IWindowList interface to explicitly use long values, updated clients appropriately o Reimplemented StandardWindowList (winlist.dll) to use STL instead of static array o Fixed the crashing bug in StandardMessageManager o Fixed another recycling bug in hookmgr .................................... ------------- Mailing Lists ------------- - LiteStep To subscribe, e-mail: litestep-subscribe@litestep.ru.ac.za To unsubscribe, e-mail: litestep-unsubscribe@litestep.ru.ac.za Additional commands, e-mail: litestep-help@litestep.ru.ac.za - Stuff To subscribe, e-mail: stuff-subscribe@litestep.ru.ac.za To unsubscribe, e-mail: stuff-unsubscribe@litestep.ru.ac.za Additional commands, e-mail: stuff-help@litestep.ru.ac.za