If you would like to unsubscribe from XSWeekly at any time, simply send an e-mail to xsweekly-unsubscribe@wuzzle.org and you will be removed. XSWEEKLY Shell Related News 08.07.00 - 14.07.00 ------------------------------------------------- Not only did my script fail to send this to my home system again, but it was a really slow week. Sorry for the smallness of this letter but I just want to try and get it out and start on this weeks. So without further ado and other cliche's.... demigod ---------- [ Mail Bag ] ---------- This weeks mailbag question is: (still) What other OS's besides Windows have you tried? What made it better/worse? ----------- [ Spotlight ] ----------- - Interface Workshop ~ Takayuki Kawamoto (aka philsci) This is a japanese/english shell site, although it is highly geared towards LiteStep. He has links to english and japanese site, listing of japanese modules, and other general news. url - http://www.interq.or.jp/jupiter/philsci/porch_workshop/workshop_index.htm e-mail - philsci@jupiter.interq.or.jp ................................................. -= Shell Specific =- ................................................. ------------------ [ Top News Stories ] ------------------ - State of the Step: The Game Is Afoot ~ Headius (11:27 12.09 ls) Looks as if Headius has send out another State of the Step. This time he goes into the down time of the coders, more looking into the future, an installer, new primary theme, new core vwm, his interview for Wired, and other topics. url - http://www.xsweekly.com/state-071100.txt (source: LS Mailing List ~ State of the Step: The Game Is Afoot.) --------- [ Modules ] --------- - TextEdit 1.41 ~ WhiteShadow (13:03 09.07 ls) "This is a small module that can be used to edit text files. It could be useful in allowing you to edit your step.rc file on the fly. However, it could also be very dangerous if used on the wrong file." New in this version: - Fixed the error using ^" in textreplace. url - http://www.muohio.edu/~changty/ e-mail - changty@muohio.edu (source: http://www.muohio.edu/~changty/) +-------<*>-------+ - LsBox 1.7.1 ~ BlackHawk (13:11 09.07 ls) "LsBox is a skinable easy to customize and resource-friendly alternative to the "normal" shortcutgroups for a number of applications like freefloating menus, messageboxes and configuration dialogs." New in this version: - Added native support for Wharfmodules - Added native support for displaying Text - Added !LsBoxShow and !LsBoxHide - Paths are now handled relative to the Litestep Path. - Trying to call !LsBoxCreate for an already created unique hidden window will automatically call !LsBoxShow - LsBoxX and LsBoxY can now have negative values - Fixed the all-tooltips-show-last-tooltip-text bug - Removed the LsBoxstatistics bang - wasn't worth the trouble %%UPDATE%% (11:22 12.07) - Fixed "cannot load lsbox.dll" error in win95. url - http://www.blkhawk.de e-mail - blkhawk@blkhawk.de (source: LS Mailing List ~ *** LsBox 1.7 released ***) +-------<*>-------+ - geOCommand 1.0 ~ Daij-Djan (13:20 09.07 geo) geOCommand is a command line module that allows you to quickly launch programs or open folders. New in this version: - Improved history - User defined aliases - Nicer look and feel (drag and drop...) - Added history support. - Added history limitation, max. entries to store. - Added history filter, only store succeeded commands. - Improved command execution function url - http://news.geoshell.com e-mail - sms@slavin.org (source: http://news.geoshell.com) +-------<*>-------+ - Mousehide 1.0 ~ Pavel (10:14 10.07 ls) "This module automatically hides mouse cursor after defined count of keystrokes or after mouse inactivity, so the cursor does not cover typed text. After any mouse activity the cursor is automatically revealed." url - http://floach.pimpin.net/pavel/ e-mail - pavel.vitis@seznam.cz (source: http://floach.pimpin.net/pavel/) ------ [ Misc ] ------ - PureLS Option Pack Update ~ jugg (13:17 09.07 pls) jugg has updated the PureLS option pack with two of Maduin's older mods. This update includes pause.dll, which is a module that will allow a pause to take place after executing a command, and wallpaper.dll, which is a standard wallpaper changing program. url - http://www.purels.org e-mail - jugg@purels.org (source: http://www.purels.org) --------------- [ Latest Builds ] --------------- - LiteStep o 24.6 build 061000 o http://builds.litestep.net/builds/06-10-2000.zip - DarkStep o 0.971 o http://www.darkstep.com/files/DarkStep971.zip - geOShell o 4.6.2 o http://news.geoshell.com/Plugins/Download/geoshellr462.zip - PureLS o 052900 o ................................................. -= Alt OS Specific =- ................................................. --------------- [ Latest Builds ] --------------- - SEAL o 1D (042900) o http://www.home.sk/public/seal/sealexe.zip - V2_OS o 0.63.2a o http://www.v2os.cx/downloads/dl_system.htm .................................... --------------- [ Mailing Lists ] --------------- - LiteStep To subscribe, e-mail: litestep-subscribe@litestep.ru.ac.za To unsubscribe, e-mail: litestep-unsubscribe@litestep.ru.ac.za Additional commands, e-mail: litestep-help@litestep.ru.ac.za - Stuff To subscribe, e-mail: stuff-subscribe@litestep.ru.ac.za To unsubscribe, e-mail: stuff-unsubscribe@litestep.ru.ac.za Additional commands, e-mail: stuff-help@litestep.ru.ac.za - DarkStep To subscribe, e-mail: darkstep-subscribe@egroups.com To unsubscribe, e-mail: darkstep-unsubscribe@egroups.com .................................... 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